This page has usage examples for the following words:

antibiotics 抗生物質 こうせいぶっしつ
bacterium, bacteria 細菌 さいきん
cough 咳 せき
incubation period 潜伏期 せんぷくき
Nausea 吐き気 はきけ
Pathogen 病原体 びょうげんたい
rash, rash(es) 発疹 はっしん
scarlet fever 猩紅熱 しょうこうねつ
streptococcus 連鎖球菌 れんさきゅうきん
Vomiting 嘔吐 おうと
My high School age daughter has developed a sudden fever and a sore throat. She also complained of pain in herarms and legs.
こうこうせいのむすめが、きゅうに、はつねつとずつうをうったえています。のどのいたみと、それに てあしのいたみもあるようです。
My daughter's face looks red and she has rashes all over her body.
We've heard that scarlet fever is going around at school. Has she contacted it?
How long is the incubation period of scarlet fever?
せんぷくきかんは どのくらいですか。
Will the rash leave any permanent marks?
はっしんのあとは きれいになおるのでしょうか。
I've heard that there are aftereffects. I'm concerned.
なにか こういしょうがのこることがあるとききましたので しんぱいです。

A conversation between a patient and a doctor about scarlet fever
I read a newspaper article which reported a high school student has contracted scarlet fever in Hawaii. I think that we won’t worry unnecessarily if you have the basic information on the disease.
When you contract the disease, you first have fever and sore throat, then a red rash over the chest and abdomen. Hence, it is named scarlet fever. This rash feels like touching sandpaper. Scarlet fever is caused by a bacterium called streptococcus, which exists widely in nature including humans, and spreads from human to human mainly by way of cough and other secretions. Streptococcus inside the body first causes sore throat then, goes into blood stream and destroys capillaries (small blood vessels), manifesting red rashes. You may have nausea and vomiting. Antibiotics are the effective treatment. Therefore, if you are hypersensitive to antibiotics, you should notify your doctor of it. Anyone, regardless of age, can contract the disease. Basic preventive methods, including hand washing, gargling and avoiding overworking, can apply to this disease.
猩紅熱(scarlet fever) は、字の示す如く、感染すると発熱と、のどの痛みに続き、赤色のブツブツが胸から腹部へと拡がる病気です。この発疹は紙やすり(Sandpaper) をさわったような感じがします。猩紅熱の原因菌は、連鎖球菌と呼ばれる細菌で、自然界(人間も含む)に広く存在しています。人から人へは、主として、咳などの分泌物によって伝染します。体内に入った連鎖球菌は、まず、のどの痛みを引き起こし、さらに血液中に入って、小血管を破壊します。これが赤い発疹となって現われます。吐き気や嘔吐の起こる場合もあります。抗生物質が有効な治療方法です。従って、ペニシリンに過敏状態の方は、医師に伝えることが大切です。伝染方法からお分かりのように、老人・子供に限らず、どの年齢でもかかります。過労を避ける、手洗いと、うがいの励行などの基本的な予防法が、この病気の場合にもあてはまります。
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Scarlet fever is called “shou-kou-netsu” in Japanese. The kanji “shou” means to rave, “kou” crimson and “netsu” fever. In old days when there were no antibiotics, people must be very scared of disease. However, it still is important to pay attention to health. It has not changed.