This page has usage examples for the following words:

body ache 身体の痛み からだのいたみ
chill 寒気・悪寒 さむけ・おかん
dehydration 脱水 だっすい
diarrhea, the runs 下痢 げり
fever 熱 ねつ
food poisoning 食中毒 しょくちゅうどく
headache 頭痛 ずつう
nausea むかつき
stomach flu スタマック・フルー
stomach ache 腹痛 ふくつう
sore throat 喉の痛み のどのいたみ
swollen glands リンパの腫れ リンパのはれ
swollen tonsils 扁桃腺の腫れ へんとうせんのはれ
vomit 嘔吐、嘔吐する おうと、おうとする
I had a sudden stomach cramp and the runs this morning.
けさ、とつぜん、さしこみと げりがありました。
Did you have vomiting and nausea?
Just nausea right now, and I feel a chill and my body aches.
Is there any possibility of food poisoning?
ちょくちゅうどくの こころあたりはありますか。
Does any other family member have the same symptoms?
かぞくで ほかのひとに いじょうがありますか。
Your child seems dehydrated.
おこさまは だっすいじょうたいが かなりすすんでいますね。
She should be admitted to the hospital.
You should not eat solid food but drink only liquids for a couple of days.
2~3にちは こけいぶつをさけ、すいぶんをできるだけとるようにしてください。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the stomach flu
Colleagues at my workplace complained of fever and abdominal pain in successive days. Is it due to so-called stomach flu? I don’t recall that I heard that name in Japan.
Although stomach flu is not a formal name of a disease, it generally called stomach flu when, as you described, several people in succession complain of flu-like symptoms such as sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea, body ache, chill and headache in some cases. These symptoms are caused by virus, but it is difficult to distinguish flu from food poisoning. It is important to identify the cause. If it is flu, you’ll get well in 2 to 3 days. Avoid solid food and take a good rest.
スタマック・フルー(stomach flu)と云う正式の病名はありませんが、おっしゃった様に、数人が続けてインフルエンザ様の発熱と腹部症状を訴える場合を一般に、スタマック・フルーと呼びますね。急激な腹痛、下痢、からだの痛み、寒気、時に頭痛があります。ウイルスによって引き起こされますが、食中毒との見分けはつきにくく、原因を調べることが必要です。フルーの場合は、固形物を避け、十分な休養を取ることによって、普通2~3日で回復します。

My two cents 一言おせっかい
Common sense helps to prevent diseases. Gargle when you come home from outside. Wash hands diligently. Take a good rest. Diarrhea medicine makes you sleepy. Avoid driving a car.