This page has usage examples for the following words:
a bad(decayed) tooth, dental caries 虫歯 むしば
a diabetic 糖尿病患者 とうにょうびょうかんじゃ
complications 合併症 がっぺいしょう
diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 とうにょうびょう
(have) a sweet tooth 甘党 あまとう
insulin インシュリン
obesity 肥満、肥満症 ひまん、ひまんしょう
weight loss 体重減少 たいじゅうげんしょう
weight gain 体重増加 たいじゅうぞうか
一般に、lose weightは「やせる」、それに対し、gain weightは「太る」と訳されます。

You have diabetes. You must watch your diet.
とうにょうびょうなので しょくせいかつの かいぜんがひつようです。
Can dietary management and exercise alone cure diabetes?
しょくじかんりと うんどうだけで なおりますか?
Is diabetes a chronic disease?
これは まんせいびょうですか。
My grandfather had diabetes. Will my daughter inherit it from him?
そふがとうにょうびょうでしたので、むすめも いでんしたのでしょうか。
What are the complications of diabetes?
とうにょうびょうによる がっぺいしょうとして どんなものがありますか。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about diabetes mellitus
My husband tends to put lots of sugar into his coffee, and my daughter and I love to eat sweets. All of us are rather overweight. I worry about diabetes mellitus.
While overeating sugar and sweets does not necessarily cause diabetes mellitus, it is well known to cause obesity and caries. Recent studies show that rats that ate sugar freely had shorter lives than rats that ate limited amount of sugar. The finding is explained that excessive sugar might destroy protein and other molecules. Diabetes mellitus is a disease known for a long time. It was recorded 1500 B.C. in Egypt.
Details have been elucidated in recent, advanced studies. But it remains incurable. Diabetes mellitus is closely associated with insulin. Insulin produced in the pancreas has an important role in regulating blood sugar (glucose). When insulin is not working properly, blood sugar is elevated and discharged into urine. Insulin also plays a role in the metabolism of fat and protein. There are two types of diabetes mellitus; adult and juvenile. Both types are hereditary. As people live longer, the number of adult type diabetics is increasing rapidly. If any one of your family members has diabetes mellitus, you should consult a specialist.
My two cents 一言おせっかい
Try to avoid not only lack of exercise but excessive eating.
Everything should be done in moderation.