This page has usage examples for the following words:
aloe sap アロエ汁 アロエじる
apply running tap water 水道水をかける すいどうすいをかける
blister 水ぶくれ みずぶくれ
burn 火傷 やけど
dermatology 皮膚科 ひふか
first aid 応急手当 おうきゅうてあて
keloid, scar ケロイド
skin graft 植皮 しょくひ
Skin gets sore, skin peels off 皮膚がただれる、むける ひふがただれる、むける

I burned my arm with a hot iron.
うでが あついアイロンに ふれて、やけどをしました。
I didn't give myself any first aid and now there is a brown blister and pain.
そのときに なにもてあてをしなかったら、しだいにひふがヒリヒリして、ちゃいろい みずぶくれになってきました。
I grabbed a hot dish right out of the oven and burned my fingers.
オーブンから だしたばかりの りょうりのうつわをつかんで、ゆびをやけどしました。
They are now red and swollen.
Yesterday, hot oil from a frying pan splattered onto my daughter's face.
きのう、フライパンのあぶらが、このこのかおに とびはねました。
I immediately applied cold water and then sap from my aloe plant.
すぐに、れいすいをあて、それから アロエじるをつけました。
My daughter's face has red spots. I'm worried that they will form scars.
ひふが あかくなっていますが、おおきくなってから ケロイドがのこらないかしんぱいです。
Will they disappear?
My face was burned in an accident when I was small.
ちいさいころ、あるじこで かおに やけどをおいました。
At that time, the skin on my left cheek became sore and peeled off.
そのとき、ひだりのほおのいちぶが ただれて、ひふがむけました。
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the burn
I was cooking with hot oil in the kitchen. My 5-year-old daughter came toward me. It was too late to stop her when she started crying. Hot oil from a frying pan splattered onto my daughter’s face.
Burns are commonly classified into 3 degrees according to severity of injuries (depth and size). The first degree burns are the lightest. Injuries are limited to the skin surface. The skin is red with minor pain to touch. The second degree burns produces blisters but the skin is cured without scars. The third degree burns are the severest. The whole layers of the skin are injured, resulting in scarring which requires skin graft. When burns extend over 2/3 of the body surface, it is extremely dangerous and needs to be treated at burn hospitals.
In cases such as burns caused by drops of hot oil, the burned area should be cooled immediately with running cold water. For burns on arms and legs, they can be placed in a bucket filled with cold water. In other words, cooling of the affected areas is important. It should be for at least 10 minutes, but needs not to be in ice water. Applying aloe sap is also effective for minor burns.
一言おせっかい My two cents
Regular cold water (or running tap water) is said to be more effective than ice water. Cooling is important even 10 to 15 minutes after suffering from burns. When the burned area is large, towels or sheets soaked with cold water can be spread over the burns.