This page has usage examples for the following words:

acupuncture 針治療 はりちりょう
back pain 腰痛 ようつう
cupuncture therapy 針療法 はりりょうほう
electrotherapy 電気治療、電気療法
lower back pain 下部腰痛 かぶようつう
medical device, medical equipment 医療器具 いりょうきぐ
multi-disciplinary approach
neurosurgeon 神経外科医 しんけいげかい
occupational therapist 作業療法士 さぎょうりょうほうし
orthopedic surgeon 整形外科医 せいけいげかい
pain relief 鎮痛 ちんつう
physical therapist 理学療法士 りがくりょうほうし
psychologist 心理学者 しんりがくしゃ
sciatica 坐骨神経痛 ざこつしんけいつう
surgeon 外科医 げかい
I have suffered from back pain for many years.
ながねん、ようつうに なやまされています。
When I am tense for a while, my back and hip start to hurt.
The symptoms are sometimes mild, but then become painful. They are reoccuring.
I try to treat back pain at home with my own therapeutic equipment.
いえのなかで、けんこうきぐをつかって じこりゅうでなおすようにしていますが・・・
My job requires me to hold the same posture for long hours. I think that is what is causing the back problems.
A conversation between a patient and a doctor about the back pain
I have suffered from back pain for a long time. I hear that the treatment of back pain has made quite a lot of progress and various medical devices are now available. What are some of the recent treatments for back pain?
Among musculoskeletal diseases, back pain is the most common complaint that requires treatment. Of all diseases, back pain is the fifth most common reason to visit a doctor. Over half of the general population is said to visit the doctor for back pain at some point in their lives. Various medical devices enable patients to be treated at special facilities or at home. As each device has merits and demerits, it is best to consult specialists or therapists. The latest method of treatment is called multi-disciplinary approach, in which specialists in each field get together and form a group for treatment. The group consists of surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, physical therapist, occupational therapist and psychologist. The approach is based on the finding that back pain is strongly affected by stress.

My two cents 一言おせっかい
Be sure to bend your knees when lifting something regardless of its weight.